Call Us: (818)-288-1862
Personalized Client ConsultationA proper skin consultation is important in any skin care treatment. Avoid clients with rosacea, sunburn and any raised lesions such as keloid scars, moles and active pustules. Review the personalized Plan of Treatment with the client for future visits. Review the personalized Home Care System with the client. Make sure the Client Waiver Form is filled out completely, dated and signed by the client prior to any service. Have the client remove contacts. Take client photos for documentation. * Please read and initial the following:
Frequency of Treatments: Due to the intensive exfoliation, without irritation to the skin, Micro-needling is recommended as follows:
Over microneedling can cause undue sensitivity to the skin's surface leaving the skin red and blotchy.Post Care for Micro-Needling: Make up may be applied upon completion of the treatment.Avoid exfoliants for 2-3 days after treatment due to sensitivity and redness. Always .use sunblock when outdoors.